If you’re looking for information on cleaning laminate floors you’re come to the right place.
First of all, a bit of history: laminate flooring was invented by Pergo AB, a Swedish company, back in 1977. However, the introduction of these laminate floors came only to the United State in 1994 and very quickly became an extremely popular choice as it was really simple to clean and it simply looks great.

The most amazing thing about laminate flooring is that it’s able to resist to both moisture, stains and even plain scratches! This makes it an instantly popular choice as the task of cleaning it up becomes really simple and you’ll most likely be able to do it using a damp towel, a dry mop or using a proper vacuum cleaner that won’t scratch.

Our Recommended Product for Cleaning Laminate Floors
Our major concern with laminate flooring is to preserve it the way it looked just like it was just installed and cleaned for the first time. We take that task seriously, but we wanted to get a solution that would not only last but would also be easy to make.

How good would it be to remove the stains in the first try and keeping the clean and preserved look? How much time (and back pain from rubbing for hours) would you be saving?
There are three major products for your floor: There’s a product that you should use only sporadically which will fill in any scratches that may appear and disguise them, a spray mob kit along with a detergent for a monthly use and a steam mob for more regular use which will help you eliminate any bacteria in it while not scratching the floor and keeping it shining.

Recommendation 1: The Laminate Floor Restorer
The Laminate Floor Restorer we advise you to use assuming you want to keep your floor scratch free is a product by Pro Shot. Don’t get scared by the name, as it’s a fairly cheap product but the benefits are enormous.
First of all, if you’re worried about getting those dull spots that start to appear in the floor after a few years, you shouldn’t worry anymore. It’ll be easy to fill the scratches and get a very clear, brilliant look into it, lasting for months.
And the best thing is that this is something that will work on both new and old floors, so give it a shot.

Recommendation 2: Spray Mob Kit
Our second product is a spray mob kit which we’ll be using along with a special detergent that is great at keeping laminate floors looking fantastic even after several uses.
This lightweight mod is really easy to maneuver and you’ll be able to use it various surfaces with easy, allowing you to a more thorough cleaning.
With the special detergent you’ll get a fresh scent and great end results.

Recommendation 3: Disinfecting Steam Mop
This steam mop will be able to remove almost 100% of all the harmful bacteria that might develop in your flooring making in a safer environment for you and your family.
You’ll be able to decide whether you want a more thorough cleaning or something that’s a more daily routine.
It’s the absolute best solution to getting your laminate flooring cleaned up and looking amazing and it’s not a big investment.
Being a really light tool, it won’t be hard to use it regularly and you’ll have your floor completely cleaned up in no time.

Some Final Thoughts on Cleaning Laminate Floors
Keeping your laminate floors shouldn’t be a daunting task. That is one of the reasons you got them in the first place, isn’t it?
Keeping them is easy with the right products and you should truly be able to spend time on other things other than cleaning laminate floors.

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CochlearFreaks: JuanJdc (dernière édition le 2012-09-03 14:41:25 par JuanJdc)