Formula 1 or perhaps F1 is actually associated using the Awesome Prix.
And also the very first race of the time transpires in the continent Right here – Australia. This year's Australian leg of the Awesome Tarifs happened in the Albert Recreation area Street Circuit of Melbourne, Australia. Because so many spectators and also F1 die-hard followers will tell you, the first competition was obviously a magnificent as well as exciting way to begin the growing season. The race finished to some really thrilling finish, marking only a 2 second difference in between Jenson Key and also Sebastian Vettel together with Key completing the particular ethnic background very first. It was a superb begin for group McLaren because they are hoping that their own chance will keep on till the last ethnic background from the season since this may propel them to victory in the constructor's class.
It will likely be a massive feather on their limit when they will certainly position initial in the Constructor's class because their own last win for this had been back in 98 however.

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CochlearFreaks: CarmenW1 (dernière édition le 2012-08-17 14:34:07 par CarmenW1)